Euroshrimp 2019 is taking shape, and we’d like to inform you and involve you.  This mail is to tell you of the timing of the event and ask for your topic input.

On the 9th/10th of October in Berlin, at the European Aquaculture Society conference we will have a Euroshrimp meeting. The 10th in the morning is already blocked for Euroshrimp Industry presentations and the shrimp scientific presentation session in the afternoon.

If the topics, presentations etc. are greater than this timeframe, we will add a half-day on the 9th of October in the afternoon. If not, we can just meet for drinks and chat on the 9th later in the day.

We will confirm exact times as soon as we possibly can but please plan to join us in Berlin!

We suggest the following topics for the industry session:

  1. Overview of developments of PL production in Europe (Who is building hatcheries!)
  2. Cementing the Industry (5-10 years production in Europe…and now?)
  3. Estimating total European production (Collecting and reporting annual production for Europe)
  4. Alternative and new species (Are new species needed, what about co-cultures?)
  5. Latest Research Projects Joining Industry and Science
  6. Open session on pressing demands

Please: Contact us if you have other topic suggestions and contact us if you would like to present at the session! We are excited to hear from you.

Please feel free to be in contact if you have any news you would like to share via the Euroshrimp portal or mail us at


Suppliers – We have current requests across Europe for PLs and for broodstock animals, please contact me at if you can supply PLs or broodstock.

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

Categories: Newsletter-2019