Shrimp standard update

Dear EuroShrimp Community Members,
As some of you are aware from the presentation during the EuroShrimp Forum at Aquaculture Europe 2019, The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is currently updating the existing shrimp standard.
This includes the potential addition of new saltwater and freshwater species.

  • P. stylirostris,
  • Procambarus clarkii,
  • P. merguiensis,
  • Macrobrachium rosenbergii,
  • Cherax quadricarinatus.
  • P. japonicus,

Additionally, the existing metrics for both P. vannamei and P. monodon will be revised as well.
The ASC reached out to us and needs data from non-ASC-certified farms as well as research data for all of the above mentioned species (including P. vannamei and P. monodon)
The needed data includes (this is also in the current standard)

  • Chloride concentration or
    specific conductance
  • Survival rate
  • System type (fed and aerated,
    fed and non-permanently aerated, non fed)
  • % PL`s that are SPF or SPR
  • % PL`s from closed loop
  • % FM/FO from ISEAL and/or
    general percentage of FM/FO in the feed
  • Fishsource Criteria 1, 2, 3,
    and 5 for marine ingredients in the feed
  • Fishsource Criteria 4 for
    marine ingredients in the feed
  • % non marine ingredients in the
  • FFER (forage fish efficiency
    ratio, can be calculated from eFCR and %FM in the feed)
  • N effluent per ton shrimp
  • P effluent per ton shrimp
  • Settleable solids in the
  • eFCR
  • protein retention efficiency

If you are working with any of the above mentioned species and can provide data, or if you have any suggestions on how to get the needed data, please get in contact with Kathrin Steinberg from the ASC directly. Data collection on a farm side by ASC staff would also be an option. The ASC is working on a way to simplify and streamline the data collection procedure in the future but this process is currently still under development.

Please let us know if you have any question, ideas or suggestions.

Kind wishes,

Matt Slater, Gregor Jähne and Kathrin Steinberg

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

Categories: Newsletter-2019