Euroshrimp Documents

Here you can find presentations and documents shared by our community.
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Euroshrimp 08/2024, Copenhagen

Workshop opening - "Introduction of Euroshrimp network"Euroshrimp 08/2024, CopenhagenMirko Bögner, Scientific researcher, Aquaculture Research Group at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), GermanyDownload
OCEANLOOP – The Future Of Shrimp FarmingEuroshrimp 08/2024, CopenhagenBert Wecker, CTO Oceanloop Management GmbH, GermanyDownload
Whiteleg shrimp RAS technology optimizationEuroshrimp 08/2024, CopenhagenNerijus Nika, Senior Researcher, Marine Research Institute of Klaipeda University, LithuaniaDownload
Shrimp production in biofloc system: A 20 years history at LCM/UFSCEuroshrimp 08/2024, CopenhagenFelipe Boéchat Vieira, Doctor of Aquaculture, Federal University of Santa Catarina, BrazilDownload
Shrimp welfare in the spotlightEuroshrimp 08/2024, CopenhagenPaolo Gamberoni, PHD Candidate at the Aquaculture Research Group of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; GermanyDownload
Workshop opening - "Introduction of Euroshrimp network"Dr. Matthew Slater, AWIDownload
Boost sustainability of European aquaculture through Biofloc Technology (SwitchFloc)Dr. David Panaranda, Institute of Animal Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaDownload
Introduction BluEco Network - German-Brazilian bioeconomy research networkM. Sc. Fabio Pereira, AWIDownload
The current status and future prospects of indoor shrimp farming in EuropeDr. Philip Buike, CEO Island Shrimp ConsultancyDownload
Rethink PL12: Shifting the paradigm of shrimp nurseries - A journey to independent larvae cultivationDipl.-Ing. Friedrich Tietze, Founder and CEO Suburban Seafood Germany UGDownload
SMBS (sodium disulfite) application in Shrimp to prevent product melanosisDr. Monika Weiß, AWIDownload
Kytos fingerprinting technology to support effective microbial management practicesDr. Jasmine Heyse, Principal Scientist at KYTOSDownload
Evolution of the stocking densities from Intensive to Hyperintensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei IN BFT systemDr. Wilson Wasielesky, Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)Download

Euroshrimp 09/2023, Vienna

Workshop opening - "Introduction of Euroshrimp network"Euroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. Matthew Slater, Head of Aquaculture Research Group of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; GermanyDownload
Boost sustainability of European aquaculture through Biofloc Technology (SwitchFloc)Euroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. David Panaranda, Deputy Director of the Institute of Animal Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de València; SpainDownload
Introduction BluEco Network - German-Brazilian bioeconomy research networkEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaM. Sc. Fabio Pereira, Scientist at the Aquaculture Research Group at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; GermanyDownload
The current status and future prospects of indoor shrimp farming in EuropeEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaM. Sc. Philip Buike, Consultant for RAS shrimp farming in Europe, CEO of Island Shrimp; SpainDownload
Rethink PL12: Shifting the paradigm of shrimp nurseries - A journey to independent larvae cultivationEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDipl.-Ing. Friedrich Tietze, Founder and CEO of suburban seafood; GermanyDownload
SMBS (sodium disulfite) application in Shrimp to prevent product melanosisEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. Monika Weiß, Scientist at the Aquaculture Research Group of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; GermanyDownload
RAS Technology: SHRIMP RAS AND SORTING SOLUTIONS FOR HIGH INTENSITY SHRIMP FARMINGEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. Eran Hadas, CTO of ECOshrimp; IsraelDownload
Kytos fingerprinting technology to support effective microbial management practicesEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. Jasmine Heyse, Principal Scientist at KYTOS; BelgiumDownload
Evolution of the stocking densities from Intensive to Hyperintensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei IN BFT systemEuroshrimp 09/2023, ViennaDr. Wilson Wasielesky, Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Coordinator of the FURG / FAURG Shrimp Project; BrazilDownload
Workshop opening - "Introduction of Euroshrimp network"Dr. Matthew Slater, AWIDownload
Boost sustainability of European aquaculture through Biofloc Technology (SwitchFloc)Dr. David Panaranda, Institute of Animal Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaDownload
Introduction BluEco Network - German-Brazilian bioeconomy research networkM. Sc. Fabio Pereira, AWIDownload
The current status and future prospects of indoor shrimp farming in EuropeDr. Philip Buike, CEO Island Shrimp ConsultancyDownload
Rethink PL12: Shifting the paradigm of shrimp nurseries - A journey to independent larvae cultivationDipl.-Ing. Friedrich Tietze, Founder and CEO Suburban Seafood Germany UGDownload
SMBS (sodium disulfite) application in Shrimp to prevent product melanosisDr. Monika Weiß, AWIDownload
Kytos fingerprinting technology to support effective microbial management practicesDr. Jasmine Heyse, Principal Scientist at KYTOSDownload
Evolution of the stocking densities from Intensive to Hyperintensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei IN BFT systemDr. Wilson Wasielesky, Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)Download

Euroshrimp 10/2022, Rimini

IntroductionEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiMatt Slater / AWIDownload
Attractability and palatability assessment of shrimp feed materials using video tracking technologiesEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiDr. Guillermo Bardera / Moredun ScientificDownload
Genetic broodstock characterisation for pedigree management in whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannameiEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiVincent Vermeylen / Ghent UniversityDownload
Research in Biofloc Shrimp Aquaculture at UPV. Status of Southern European productionEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiDr. David S. Peñaranda / Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaDownload
Computer Vision Based Counting Of Shrimp In Real Farm ConditionsEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiDr. Stephan Ende / AWIDownload
Voluntary size grading – Influence of sorting structures and attraction methods on the shrimp L. vannameiEuroshrimp 10/2022, RiminiMirko Bögner / AWIDownload
IntroductionMatt Slater / AWIDownload
Attractability and palatability assessment of shrimp feed materials using video tracking technologiesDr. Guillermo Bardera / Moredun ScientificDownload
Genetic broodstock characterisation for pedigree management in whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannameiVincent Vermeylen / Ghent UniversityDownload
Research in Biofloc Shrimp Aquaculture at UPV. Status of Southern European productionDr. David S. Peñaranda / Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaDownload
Computer Vision Based Counting Of Shrimp In Real Farm ConditionsDr. Stephan Ende / AWIDownload
Voluntary size grading – Influence of sorting structures and attraction methods on the shrimp L. vannameiMirko Bögner / AWIDownload

Euroshrimp Webinar 12/2020

Introduction #1 WEBINAREuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Stefan Meyer / BVAQDownload
Introduction #2 Matt Slater “The Euroshrimp Community”Euroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Matt Slater / AWIDownload
PLs Made in GermanyEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Friedrich Tietze / Suburban SeafoodDownload
L.Vannamei Hatchery, Maturation and grow-out farmEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Georgi Naumov / Vannamei BulgariaDownload
Shrimp HatcheryEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Nicola Scalise / White PantherDownload
CreveTope – a Biotope for your shrimpEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Eric de Muylder / CreveTecDownload
Introducing Kona Bay Shrimps to EuropeEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Kasper Jansen / Hendrix GeneticsDownload
Developing shirmp larval rearing techniques for application in EuropeeEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Mathieu Wille / University GhentDownload
Post-Transport adaptation of PL for stocking RAS – Experiences and proposed best practiceEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Bert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload
Acclimation guideline for Litopenaeus vannameipost-larvaeEuroshrimp Webinar, 12/2020Bert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload
Introduction #1 WEBINARStefan Meyer / BVAQDownload
Introduction #2 Matt Slater “The Euroshrimp Community”Matt Slater / AWIDownload
PLs Made in GermanyFriedrich Tietze / Suburban SeafoodDownload
L.Vannamei Hatchery, Maturation and grow-out farmGeorgi Naumov / Vannamei BulgariaDownload
Shrimp HatcheryNicola Scalise / White PantherDownload
CreveTope – a Biotope for your shrimpEric de Muylder / CreveTecDownload
Introducing Kona Bay Shrimps to EuropeKasper Jansen / Hendrix GeneticsDownload
Developing shirmp larval rearing techniques for application in EuropeeMathieu Wille / University GhentDownload
Post-Transport adaptation of PL for stocking RAS – Experiences and proposed best practiceBert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload
Acclimation guideline for Litopenaeus vannameipost-larvaeBert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload

Euroshrimp 10/2019, Berlin

Report for the Euroshrimp and Shrimp Scientific Sessions at AE2019 BerlinEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Gregor Jähne and Matt Slater / AWIDownload
Stakeholder Survey “recirculation aquaculture systems – positions of the organic food sector”Euroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Dr. Stefan Bergleiter / Naturland e.V.
Udo Censkowsky / bluesensus, sustainability & seafood consulting
Diversification fo global shrimp farming through transparency – the new asc metrics methodologyEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Kathrin Steinberg / Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)Download
The use of inexpensive salt mixtures for inland intensive shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) farmingEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Dr. Andrew Ray / Kentucky State UniversityDownload
Fighting and avoiding vibrio in intensive culture of litopenaeus vannamei: overview of research done at crevetec farmEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Eric De Muylder / CreveTecDownload
Experiences from a new shrimp research facility in lithuaniaEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Nerijus Nika / Klaipeda University Institute for Marine ResearchDownload
Shrimp hatcheries in europe – personal experience and future perspectivesEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Nicola Scalise, Independent ConsultantDownload
A glance on larval production of L. VannameiEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Daniel Arana / BERNAQUADownload
National pilat platforms: “connecting the shrimp sector in vietnam, thailand and bangladesh”Euroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019David Basset / European-Asian Technology and Innovation Platform (EURASTIP)Download
Report for the Euroshrimp and Shrimp Scientific Sessions at AE2019 BerlinGregor Jähne and Matt Slater / AWIDownload
Stakeholder Survey “recirculation aquaculture systems – positions of the organic food sector”Dr. Stefan Bergleiter / Naturland e.V.
Udo Censkowsky / bluesensus, sustainability & seafood consulting
Diversification fo global shrimp farming through transparency – the new asc metrics methodologyKathrin Steinberg / Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)Download
The use of inexpensive salt mixtures for inland intensive shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) farmingDr. Andrew Ray / Kentucky State UniversityDownload
Fighting and avoiding vibrio in intensive culture of litopenaeus vannamei: overview of research done at crevetec farmEric De Muylder / CreveTecDownload
Experiences from a new shrimp research facility in lithuaniaNerijus Nika / Klaipeda University Institute for Marine ResearchDownload
Shrimp hatcheries in europe – personal experience and future perspectivesEuroshrimp Berlin, 10/2019Nicola Scalise, Independent ConsultantDownload
A glance on larval production of L. VannameiDaniel Arana / BERNAQUADownload
National pilat platforms: “connecting the shrimp sector in vietnam, thailand and bangladesh”David Basset / European-Asian Technology and Innovation Platform (EURASTIP)Download

Euroshrimp 08/2018, Montpellier

The EuroShrimp CommunityEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Matthew James Slater / AWIDownload
The conditions for importing (live) shrimps into the European UnionEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Lorella de la Cruz Iglesias / European Commission Directorat-General for Maritime Affairs and FisheriesDownload
Recent Developments in Global Shrimp Health ManagementEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Kartik Baruah / Department of Animal Production & Management Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesDownload
Shrimp Farm Risk Management and Biosecurity Starts with the HatcheryEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Craig L. Browdy / Zeigler aquaculture research centerDownload
Current status of shrimp farming in BrazilEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Felipe do Nascimento Vieira / Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaDownload
Reproduction of P. vannamei in EuropeEuroshrimp in Montpellier, 08/2018Eric De Muylder / CreveTecDownload
The EuroShrimp CommunityMatthew James Slater / AWIDownload
The conditions for importing (live) shrimps into the European UnionLorella de la Cruz Iglesias / European Commission Directorat-General for Maritime Affairs and FisheriesDownload
Recent Developments in Global Shrimp Health ManagementKartik Baruah / Department of Animal Production & Management Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesDownload
Shrimp Farm Risk Management and Biosecurity Starts with the HatcheryCraig L. Browdy / Zeigler aquaculture research centerDownload
Current status of shrimp farming in BrazilFelipe do Nascimento Vieira / Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaDownload
Reproduction of P. vannamei in EuropeEric De Muylder / CreveTecDownload

Euroshrimp 02/2018, Bremen

RAS systems for shrimps and their farm management strategiesEuroshrimp in Bremen, 02/2018Bert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload
Hatchery: Post-Larvae made in Europe?Euroshrimp in Bremen, 02/2018Gerrit Quantz / Futurefish GmbHDownload
Indoor shrimp aquaculture in Europe: feasibility, designs and experiencesEuroshrimp in Bremen, 02/2018Stefan Bruns / Polyplan GmbH (D) & Eric de Muylder / CreveTec bvbaDownload
Marketing and the benefits of Certifications as marketing toolEuroshrimp in Bremen, 02/2018Mike Berthet / EU GAADownload
The market for shrimps in Europe: perspectives from the European indoor shrimp farming sector + engineering considerationsEuroshrimp in Bremen, 02/2018Carlos Espinal / LandIng Aquaculture B.V.Download
RAS systems for shrimps and their farm management strategiesBert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbHDownload
Hatchery: Post-Larvae made in Europe?Gerrit Quantz / Futurefish GmbHDownload
Indoor shrimp aquaculture in Europe: feasibility, designs and experiencesStefan Bruns / Polyplan GmbH (D) & Eric de Muylder / CreveTec bvbaDownload
Marketing and the benefits of Certifications as marketing toolMike Berthet / EU GAADownload
The market for shrimps in Europe: perspectives from the European indoor shrimp farming sector + engineering considerationsCarlos Espinal / LandIng Aquaculture B.V.Download

Euroshrimp 04/2017, Bremen

Science meets industryEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Dr. Matthew Slater
& Mr. Bérenger Colsoul / Alfred-Wegener-Institut
Design of land-based RAS Shrimp FarmsEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Mr. Gerrit Quantz / Futurefish Aquaculture GmbHDownload
Farm management in recirculating systemsEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Dr. Bert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbH & Co KGDownload
Nutrition strategies and Biolfoc SystemsEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Mr. Eric De Muylder / CreveTec BVBADownload
The different methods of farming around the world, the different species and their productionEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Mr. Jacques Trichereau / Aquaculture Engineering and Consulting CompanyDownload
Sales and MarketingEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Mr. Eric Bernard / Reynaud & OSODownload
Environmental sustainability and social responsibilityEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Mr. Koji Yamamoto / Aquaculture Stewardship CouncilDownload
Organic shrimp farming: a strong propositionEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Dr. Stefan Bergleiter / Naturland eVDownload
Presentation of the pilot Aemme Shrimp FarmEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Ms. Stacy Ciulik / Aquafuture Switzerland GmbHDownload
Development of an economical and sustainable shrimp farming system for TurkeyEuroshrimp in Bremen, 04/2017Dr. Metin Kumlu / University of ÇukurovaDownload
Science meets industryDr. Matthew Slater & Mr. Bérenger Colsoul / AWIDownload
Design of land-based RAS Shrimp FarmsMr. Gerrit Quantz / Futurefish Aquaculture GmbHDownload
Farm management in recirculating systemsDr. Bert Wecker / Förde Garnelen GmbH & Co KGDownload
Nutrition strategies and Biolfoc SystemsMr. Eric De Muylder / CreveTec BVBADownload
The different methods of farming around the world, the different species and their productionMr. Jacques Trichereau / Aquaculture Engineering and Consulting CompanyDownload
Sales and MarketingMr. Eric Bernard / Reynaud & OSODownload
Environmental sustainability and social responsibilityMr. Koji Yamamoto / Aquaculture Stewardship CouncilDownload
Organic shrimp farming: a strong propositionDr. Stefan Bergleiter / Naturland eVDownload
Presentation of the pilot Aemme Shrimp FarmMs. Stacy Ciulik / Aquafuture Switzerland GmbHDownload
Development of an economical and sustainable shrimp farming system for TurkeyDr. Metin Kumlu / University of ÇukurovaDownload