Euroshrimp 2020 – What’s new?

Dear EuroShrimp Community Members,

Our Shrimp community is constantly growing and we are happy to welcome more and more members every month. With this Newsletter, we would like to give you a heads up on what to expect from EuroShrimp in 2020 and draw your attention to our latest research results and on current Shrimp related research focus at the Centre of Aquaculture Research of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute.

What to expect in 2020 from EuroShrimp:


After all the positive feedback on our interesting and successful EuroShrimp meeting in October at AE2019 in Berlin, we are happy to announce our participation at the AE2020 in Cork, Ireland. As we did in Berlin, we again offer the possibility of free informal discussions in combination with a series of presentations. Since there is still some time, topics and contents of our upcoming Industry Forum are yet to be decided. If you have any suggestions or wishes on what content to include, feel free to get in Contact with us.

Web Forum for open discussions

As many expressed the desire for an open forum to have the possibility to put questions directly to the community, we are about to extend our website and add a forum for open discussions. In order to implement and integrate the forum to our website, we still need some time but will get in contact with you as soon as we put the forum on our website.

Job offers

We opened a subpage to publish job and internship offers on our website. So far, the list is quite short but we are happy to announce your requests in this matter. We want to offer this opportunity not only to employers but also to employees. So if you have a job/internship to offer or if you are seeking a Job/internship in the European shrimp sector, send us your request and make sure to check out for further information.

Latest research results and current research focus:

Alternative protein source in Shrimp diet

Under the direction of Dr. Monika Weiss, scientists at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute succeeded in increasing the proportion of alternative protein sources in the diet for L. vannamei. The study, “Lupin kernel meal as fishmeal replacement in formulated feeds for the Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), demonstrated, that there are no adverse effects in including low levels of Lupin meal to Shrimp nutrition, it even “seems to stimulate the immune system of juvenile L. vannamei”

(Weiss M, Rebelein A, Slater MJ. Lupin kernel meal as fishmeal replacement in formulated feeds for the Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquacult Nutr. 2020;00:1–11.)

Grading device for sorting live shrimps

We are currently investigating, developing and testing various possibilities and technologies to design an optimized grading device for live Shrimps. We aim to develop a stress-free and practical way to size-grade the animals. If the trials and the results go as planned, we might even be possible to present the first data at our Industry Forum at the AE2020 in Cork. Until then, you can find further project information by following this link.

As you can see, we have some exciting work ahead of us and are eager to keep you informed on exciting developments in the world of European Shrimp as 2020 advances. Please feel free to get in contact if you have new developments you’d like to announce or topics you’d like discussed!

Kind wishes and all the best for Spring 2020,

Matt Slater and Gregor Jaehne

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

Categories: Newsletter-2020