Results of Euroshrimp workshop – Project CrustaWohl

Dear Euroshrimp Members,

Happy New Year 2025! We are looking forward to an exciting year of collaboration, learning, growth and success! In this first edition of the year, we’re delighted to share the shrimp welfare data from the Copenhagen meeting with you! We would like to thank you for your active participation in the Euroshrimp session at AQUA 2024.

In this session we asked our participants about welfare and management and got some interesting and exciting results! We aimed to develop a welfare index that could be used by farmers and researchers to monitor the welfare of shrimp in RAS Systems and beyond. More than 50 participants from different backgrounds – including farmers, scientists, consultants and other stakeholders – attended and answered our questions:

For the first part, participants assessed the relative importance of key factors affecting shrimp welfare. Areas such as water chemistry, feeding, behavior, management and health status were assessed.

In the second part, the key welfare areas were organised into distinct categories, and participants were asked to rate the importance of each category on a scale from 0 to 5.

The results provide not only fascinating insights, but also practical data to help identify key challenges, focus on critical issues and improve overall shrimp welfare and product quality. To explore the results and gain deeper insights, follow this Link to the detailed results on our Website!

We look forward to sharing inspiring stories, innovative ideas and important updates with you throughout the year. Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes and all the best from The EuroShrimp Team.

P.S.: Please feel free to get in contact if you have any news, questions or information you would like to share via the EuroShrimp network. You can contact us via the website or send an Email to

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP